عربى | الصفحة الرئيسية

Application Timetable and Procedures

Any time of the year

Advice can be sought about potential projects.

1 February at 18.00 GMT

Deadline for receipt of completed application forms, CVs, permissions, and recommendation letters.

February board of directors meeting

The board of directors of the Association considers all the applications and decides which projects are to be funded.


Applicants are informed of the outcome of their application: successful, unsuccessful, or requested to resubmit.

March onwards




Funds will be transferred as soon as the Association receives signed grant acceptance forms and functioning bank details.

Projects begin.

Projects should be completed within twelve months.

Grant reports due to the Association within three months of completing project.

Applicants will be provided with constructive feedback and asked to respond to specific points of concern.

Revised applications are  due 1 May at 18.00 GMT.

The board of directors will approve or reject the revised application.

The applicant is free to apply again the following year.

Applicants must ensure that their membership fees have been paid and that their grant application forms, CVs, two recommendation letters, and any other application-related materials arrive at the Association's offices by 1 February at 18.00 GMT of the year in which the project is planned. This documentation may be sent by post as hard copies, by email as pdfs of the original, signed documents; or by fax. Applicants are advised that an application will not be considered unless all required documents have been received by this deadline.

The Association’s contact details are:

The Islamic Manuscript Association Ltd
c/o 33 Trumpington Street
Cambridge CB2 1QY
United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 (0)1223 303 177
Fax: +44 (0)1223 302 218

All documents must reach the Association’s office in Cambridge by 1 February at 18.00 GMT. No applications received after this date will be considered.

If you have any questions about whether your project is eligible, please contact the Association by email. We will endeavour to answer your questions